Sunday, January 18, 2015

Recipies to Warm Body and Soul

In today's Sunday edition of BWD, soups and stews to take the edge off of winter's chill. May it bless you.

Cooking always feels a little different to me in the winter. The closed up windows hold in the warm aromas of baking and stewing. Bread seems to rise with more enthusiasm. Wine feels better going down. And the crock pot is always within arm's reach. I remember my Grandmother chopping carrots and celery; the smell of the boiled chicken as she pulled it off the bone; the thump and whirr of the rolling pin as she pressed out dough for noodles. On another day, Mum might be dicing potatoes and browning beef for her legendary beef stew with dumplings while the kitchen windows fogged up with steamy promises. Yeah, winter is soup time. Here are a few ideas from my Pinterest board for you to try.

Variation on the Classics

Chicken, Avacado, Lime Soup

Low Calorie French Onion Soup
Slow Cooker Southwest Chili

Or, if you're feeling more adventurous..

Shrimp and Crab Gumbo

Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Chili

Vegetarian Quinoa Chili

  Bon Appétit y'all!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Head, Hips, and Heart

In today's BWD: doing more things for yourself; mind/body exercises for your hips; and the story of a woman who refuses to stay down. May it bless you.

I read an interesting Facebook post this morning about Consumption versus Creation. Am I a giver, or a taker? It reminded me of how much better bread tastes when I bake it myself, or how much better the car seems to sound when I change my own oil. Collective Evolution suggests some other ways you can start making instead of taking.

Since spending the summer in physical therapy for an arthritic knee, I have become obsessed with hip strength and mobility. Here is a sequence from SaraBethYoga that will help you improve the functionality of those crucial joints.


Getting knocked down doesn't make you a hero. Getting back up does. Lisa isn't satisfied to be a survivor. She is determined to be a victor. Enjoy her story from